SEHTA is pleased to announce the release of our 2023 AgeTech UK Market Report.

The UK Social Care market is a very segmented market that contains several different key
players. The AgeTech UK Market Report provides an overview of the UK Social Care market with a focus on the implementation of technologies whose key target group are the elderly
population in social care.

This report focuses on:

  •  UK care home market
  •  UK domiciliary care market
  • Market drivers & barriers to entry in the social care market
  • Technology in the social care sector
  • Case studies of successful implementation of technologies
  • Notable players on the social care sector
  • Route to the social care market

To purchase your copy the PDF version of this guide please click here.

Neil Roberts, CEO, SEHTA says “The SEHTA team is very proud of this report, which we believe it
is unique in providing a readable, informative and comprehensive document to help companies
navigate the UK social care market.”

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