AdamsonJones has raised over £2,500 for The Friary and Alzheimer’s Society in a charity challenge with a difference.

The East Midlands-based firm of patent and trade mark attorneys has successfully completed a challenge to collectively walk/run/cycle 750.5 miles to make a virtual journey from their head office at BioCity in Nottingham to the European Patent Office in Munich.

Marketing manager, Rachel Biggin explains “We had a team charity walk planned in May, but with the social distancing restrictions in place it just wasn’t possible. Instead, we came up with the idea of taking part in a virtual journey, with individuals logging their runs, rides, and walks on Strava to contribute towards the team’s mileage goal.”

As an additional challenge the journey had to be completed in just 20 days, reflecting the firm’s 20 years in business anniversary on 1 August this year. Not only did the team reach Munich in just 14 days but they continued walking, running, and cycling for the remaining 6 days to complete an impressive 1,090 miles in total.

The firm has raised £2,500 for Alzheimer’s Society, a UK charity that helps those living with dementia; and The Friary, a Nottingham-based charity that provides support to homeless persons in the area. Olly Larkin from Alzheimer’s Society, and Ben Talbot, Chief Executive Officer at The Friary, both took part in the challenge.

Simon Cooper, managing director at Adamson Jones says “The whole firm has really pulled together on this challenge and it has been fantastic to see the team keeping active and enjoying the outside areas where they live. We have seen so many positives come out of this challenge, for instance, some members of the team have got back on a bike having not cycled for several years, whilst others have started a couch to 5k run program. The encouragement and motivation given by the team to each other has also been amazing, and at the team’s request we are now considering how we can support our employees to keep fit moving forward.”

For more information about the challenge and the charities please visit the team’s online fundraising page – . Thank you.

This article was written by Medilink EM Patron, AdamsonJones.

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