Adamson Jones remains committed to expanding our capabilities throughout all areas of the business and would like to introduce four members of the team that have joined us in the last twelve months.

Natasha Walker (neé Hybner) joined the business in November as Associate and Chartered Trade Mark Attorney and specialises in brand protection, trade mark registration and enforcement of trade mark rights. Natasha brings additional expertise to our Trade Marks team with her experience in actioning social media infringement takedowns and brand enforcement across third-party selling websites such as Amazon, eBay & Etsy. Natasha is also involved in the Amazon Brand Registry enrolment program.

Having been actively involved in the start-up of the Derby Junior Lawyers Division of the Derby & District Law Society in 2017, Natasha became active President in 2018, a role that she still holds to date.

James Tagg is training at the firm to become a Chartered Patent Attorney, having joined the patent profession in 2016 as an Associate Patent Examiner at the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) in Newport and qualifying as an Examiner in early 2020. James’ knowledge and experience of the UKIPO provides valuable insight into the inner workings of the UK patent application process and he assists the Patents team in all aspects of UK and European patent drafting, searching and prosecution.

The addition of Sedella Hearson and Jade-Akina Charlton to our IP Support team has seen an increase in capacity as well as experience. Sedella brings a huge amount of knowledge to the Formalities team as a qualified IP Administrator holding both the CIPA and CITMA qualifications. Sedella began her IP career with Boots where she coordinated their patent work before moving onto Saint-Gobain where she worked with both patents and trade marks. Jade is providing administrative support to clients and the team whilst training in all areas of IP formalities.

Simon Cooper, managing director of Adamson Jones IP, said “We hope to continue attracting the very best talent in the IP profession to the East Midlands. We believe in teamwork and by expanding the capabilities of each area of the business – patents, trade marks and IP support – we can meet the varied needs of clients at the highest standards.”9

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