Medilink Midlands provides comprehensive business support to companies in the life sciences sector to help them form partnerships, secure grant funding, develop new products and services and share ideas.

Ambitious Essex Innovation Accelerator

Ambitious Essex Accelerator

Ambitious Essex Innovation Accelerator is a collaborative programme delivered in partnership with Essex County Council. Designed to support early-stage ideas into viable business ventures. Tailored specifically for pre-startup companies, Ambitious Essex Innovation Accelerator provided the foundational support needed to navigate the initial and often most challenging phase of business development.

Arise Beyond Open Innovation for Value and Entrepreneurship (ABOVE)

‘Arise Beyond Open Innovation for Value and Entrepreneurship’ (ABOVE), was a collaborative programme delivered in partnership with Arise Innovation Hubs, part of Anglia Ruskin University and Essex County Council. The ABOVE programme provided innovation support grants, for up to £5,000, as well as sector-specific events around the themes of health, performance and wellbeing.

Health Innovation East Midlands

In the East Midlands, Medilink Midlands works with Health Innovation East Midlands (HIEM) to support their industry engagement activities.

Medilink Midlands Entrepreneur in Residence

Entrepreneur in Residence badge

Christian Kumar, Chief Executive Officer of Medtech Makers Lab Ltd, brings his extensive experience in corporate finance, investment banking and wealth management. This has been gained over three decades of dedicated involvement in driving strategic growth for various enterprises to bear to help support the ambitions of Medilink Midlands members as they strive to commercialise their own innovations.

MeTAP Innovation Accelerator

Medilink Midlands, working in partnership with the University of Nottingham (UoN), will provide high-quality business and innovation support to companies already in, or transitioning into, the life science and medtech sectors within the locality of Nottingham City, to ensure Nottingham City continues as a city of pioneering medtech and health tech innovation, globally.

Aimed at pre-startup companies, the MeTAP Innovation Accelerator offers a detailed overview of how to set up a company within the medtech, life sciences and wellbeing sector, focusing on the specific considerations required. 

Cohort 2 of the MeTAP Accelerator programme is open.

West Midlands Health Tech Innovation Accelerator (WMHTIA)

The West Midlands Health Tech Innovation Accelerator (WMHTIA) is a government supported programme led by the University of Birmingham.

The WMHTIA has received £14 million in funding from the West Midlands Combined Authorities’ Innovation Accelerator which is part of an Innovate UK funded programme.

The WMHTIA unites key players, including Medilink Midlands as one of an 18-delivery organisation consortium, across the region to address problems surrounding bringing new technologies to market within the Healthcare Technology and Medical Technology sectors by creating a supportive environment to accelerate new technologies towards commercialisation.

Further updates will be made shortly with additional business support and funding opportunities available across the Midlands.​

Our specialist Innovation Advisers are on hand to continue supporting you and please get in touch if you would like to speak with a member of the team. You can do this by emailing