This Medilink Professional Development event, the second in a two-part self-contained introductory workshop, is designed to provide hands-on experience building your understanding and skills in modern statistical methods of analysing, exploring and displaying both quantitative and qualitative data.
Delivered by Dr John M. Thompson, C.Chem., F.R.S.C., F.R.Stat.Soc., this course will help build your confidence in choosing and using appropriate methods, knowing about the strengths and weaknesses of the methods used. You will also learn how to interpret and effectively present the results of your data explorations and analyses in a meaningful, sound way.
You will be “learning by doing” with tutorial exercises which follow on from each of the presentations and will be able to take away with you copies of all presentations, tutorial exercises and their solutions for future reference and ongoing practice.
Course Content and Key Topics Covered
– Participate in a specially designed experiment in which you will collect your own measurement data
– Data exploration and analysis, offering insight into several fundamentally important statistical concepts and methods
– Analysis of your measurement data to estimate various types of average and spread of the data and their strengths and weaknesses
– How to effectively display your data, using a number of different modern methods
– Explore important statistical concepts, what they mean and how to use them in interpreting your data analysis
– How errors can occur in numerical calculations and how to avoid them
– Powerful modern ways of exploring and analysing single sets of data
– Exploring, analysing, comparing and displaying two sets of data.
For the workshop, everyone will use a digital electronic calculator (the Casio fx-83 GT PLUS). Very many useful types of powerful and useful, modern statistical calculations used can be done straightforwardly without sophisticated software.
“Learning by doing” in this way means better quality learning and the better development of your understanding applicable when you come to actually using statistical software.
The workshop is limited to a maximum of 12 delegates to give an adequate opportunity for personal instruction, as well as some small group team-working.
Delegate Fees
Member: £180 + VAT
Non-member: £230 + VAT
To find out more or register your place, please contact Sarah Wootton.