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WEBINAR: Mental Health in the Workplace

Wednesday 13 January 2021 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm GMT

This Medilink Midlands webinar will explore the impact of mental health on the workplace and introduce the Mental Health and Productivity Pilot (MHPP) being offered to businesses across the Midlands Engine Region.

A healthy and inclusive workplace is essential for all businesses so providing appropriate support for employees, creating a culture of openness and tackling discrimination and stigma will help to remove some of the barriers to growth and development for businesses. The cost to the economy of mental health across the Midlands is estimated to be in the region of £45 billion in 2020. This will be impacted further by the covid-19 pandemic, which no one was prepared for.

DURATION: 1 hour

Speaker Profiles:

Dr Paula Holt – Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of College of Health, Psychology and Social Care
Paula started her career as a General nurse, specialising in acute medicine. She then became a mental health nurse working in acute psychiatry and care of older people with mental illness. She served as an Army officer for 8 years serving in SE England, Germany and Scotland heading up mental health services for Forces personnel and their families, and served on operational tours of Bosnia in 1993/4 with the UN and 1997 with NATO. She returned to the NHS and headed up a drug and alcohol team, a mentally disordered offender service and developed court-mandated drug treatment for offenders. She has worked in Higher education since 2002 and is currently Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean of College of Health, Psychology and Social Care at the University of Derby.

Professor Dean Fathers, Chair and Non-Executive Board Member, Mentor and Consultant
Dean has a wealth of experience in a range of organisations, from FTSE/blue-chips in the private sector, large national Government Departments and Public Agencies, including over 20 years experience as the Chair of a variety of NHS organisations, to medium sized private, entrepreneurial companies. He is an accomplished Director, having held numerous executive and non executive board positions and also has international experience as an organisational change leader, practicing as a Board/Executive Development Consultant in fields as diverse as; the automotive industry, construction, distribution, education, media, retail, and pharmaceutical/health sectors in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. The development of strategy as a driver for change and sustainable long term success is his forte and this is linked to a deep understanding of best practices principles of board governance which he has honed through a number of visiting professor roles at Cass, Leeds, Lincoln and Nottingham Business Schools. Amongst his portfolio of roles Dean Chairs the Centre for Organisational Resilience at Lincoln International Business School which is exploring the relationship between governance and mental health.

Kate Wood – Project Manager Mental Health and Productivity Pilot
Kate has worked in the University’s Research and Knowledge Exchange Office for over 12 months. She brings with her over 20 years experience in business development and management, specialising in substance misuse and mental health-having worked in the Prison Service for 10 years and across a variety of community mental health services for both vulnerable adults and young people. Her drive for positive mental wellbeing within all sectors is at the heart of her role and she feels honoured to be leading on the Mental Health and Productivity Pilot.

Robin Pepper – Knowledge Exchange Manager
Robin has some 30 years experience in a Business Development role spent primarily in the Healthcare Sector. Originally from a Communications and Marketing background, Robin’s latter career pathway has been established within Higher Education and Health & Social Care, in a Knowledge Exchange capacity. Much of this time has centred on working with academic partners and practitioners on the development of the workforce, research and innovation in healthcare practice.
Working with employers and healthcare professionals on improving public health and reducing health inequality, particularly with regards to community & mental health, is a key focus of Robin’s current role at the University of Derby.

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