Read about how a “pop-up” group of healthcare workers & patients joined forces to identify innovative ideas to tackle the urgent societal need for improved colorectal cancer care.

Medilink Midlands Member Spirit Healthcare are incredibly proud to launch their latest whitepaper, produced with their nonprofit partner, Fuzzy Studios.

Access the full paper: Empowering Everyone in the Bowel Cancer Care Ecosystem, End-to-End

The brief was to look at the ‘pain points’ of the colorectal cancer clinical pathway and address practical ideas of how to improve the patient journey. What followed was an innovation ‘pop-up’. 80 experts, 80 hours and 140 stress-tested ideas to bring us to this final paper.

This project aims to help raise the awareness of colorectal cancer, and stimulate reflection of the challenges to deliver end-to-end patient care. To provide meaningful solutions which can be implemented at national, regional and local levels.

This project is especially poignant to us here at Spirit Health. In the last few months, we’ve been working closely with an NHS ICB on co-designing a ground-breaking virtual ward for people with colorectal cancer. We’ve seen first-hand how the final 24 ideas can be embedded within the care pathway, to improve the experience for patients.

The paper wouldn’t be possible without the many people who gave up their time to contribute their ideas and insights. NHS clinicians, leading cancer charities, and experts in service design, business strategy and digital technology. We must extend a huge thank you for their input.

You can register to access the full whitepaper here. We welcome any comments or feedback – simply send us an email or join the conversation on Twitter using #EmpoweringBowelCancer

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