Medilink Midlands offices will be closed from 5pm on Thursday 22 December and will re-open on Tuesday 3rd January.

Please email for any queries and we will respond as soon as possible on our return.

Wishing you all a merry festive season and happy holidays.


As the year draws to an end, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for working with us in 2022 and to wish you a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. I hope you have the chance to relax over the festive break and we look forward to continuing to work with you in 2023.

Medilink Midlands saw a number of changes this year, and I would personally like to thank all the Medilink team, our members, patrons and partners for welcoming me so openly into this community. I have tried to meet as many of you as I possibly can and look forward to seeing you at our events and activities next year.

With change, comes opportunities, and we continue to work hard to ensure that we are in the best possible position to take advantage of future growth opportunities and ensure we remain as the primary voice of the regions’ life sciences industry and provider of business support to the sector and its supply chains, ensuring our regional life sciences ecosystem can truly flourish on a global stage.

I’d like to draw attention to certain event highlights this year including Innovation Day and the MedTech Innovation Conference and Expo, which we look forward to bringing to you again in 2023. Of course, the most significant event for the Midlands this year, was the Commonwealth Games, where Birmingham was showcased on the World stage, and the collaborative spirit of the games harnessed to create international partnerships in data driven healthcare.

As 2022 draws to a close, we look forward to our plans and activities already taking shape for 2023, in particular our Regional Business Awards, taking place at The Great Hall, University of Birmingham on 16th March 2023. We value our nominees, sponsors and all those contributing to the awards, to honour the best and brightest stars from our region and recognise the valuable contributions they make. We hope to make this a night to remember and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at this prestigious event. If you haven’t got your business award nomination in yet, make sure you do soon, you haven’t got long left!

On behalf of Medilink Midlands, I’d like to wish you all happy holidays, and a prosperous new year.

Simon Himsworth,

Chief Executive,

Medilink Midlands

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