MediShout, the app for frontline hospital staff to resolve facilities and equipment issues, has secured £4.3 million in fundraising to support business growth, with the help of Nottingham law firm Shakespeare Martineau.

The app – founded by London-based NHS surgeon Ash Kalraiya – connects staff, equipment suppliers and service maintenance teams, enabling frontline staff to report and resolve operational issues directly and easily.

By using data and artificial intelligence (AI), MediShout predicts and prioritises issues in the hospital’s facilities and equipment to ensure patients can receive the best possible care.

The app is currently used by hospitals and multiple equipment suppliers. The new round of funding will provide working capital to support recruitment, marketing and product development in order to reach more NHS trusts across the UK.

MediShout founder Ash Kalraiya said: “As doctors and product designers, our team understands how technology and AI can help frontline hospital staff be more effective.

“We will use this investment to grow our team, improve our technology and reach new customers across medicine and other sectors as we look to transfer the technology to new industries.”

Experts in medtech and fast-growth businesses, Shakespeare Martineau supported MediShout with the transaction – negotiating the investment documentation suite with multiple investors.

Roger Harcourt, partner at Shakespeare Martineau, led the deal. He said: “We’ve been supporting Ash and his team from the very beginning, and we are absolutely thrilled to see how far they have come and the major efficiency gains their technology can make for the NHS.

“MediShout’s business model is a proven success, saving the NHS money by cutting delays and inefficiencies. This new funding round is yet another major milestone for MediShout and we look forward to seeing the business grow from strength to strength.”

The Shakespeare Martineau team included partner Roger Harcourt and solicitors Sam Naunton and John Maple.

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