Company name: Persomic Ltd Contact name & Job Title Dr Adigo Atabo
Project title: A personalised nutrition web platform for diagnosis and treatment Month/year May 2023
Style of case study: Written Account Manager Alasdair Gaw
Case study owner/ writer/producer Sam Burbage Third party assigned?


The background to the case study / Storyboarding
Diet is the number one risk factor for chronic disease. Nutrition therapy has been shown to prevent and reverse chronic disease, thereby lowering healthcare costs – for example, reducing the number of hospital admissions, and the number of hospital procedures – and improving patient outcomes.

The present proposal targets cost and efficiency gains for the NHS by harnessing clinical chemistry laboratory tests, widely used in clinical care, as the basis for delivering nutrition therapy insights.


The challenge / trigger event / the service, product or project in question
Making nutritional sense of clinical chemistry tests requires joined-up analysis of large amounts of biomedical data, a task that is too complex to be undertaken manually,


The solution
Persomic delivers personalised, automated, joined-up analysis of lab results, providing nutrition therapy insights for health and disease management.

Through the INSTILS project, Persomic received an Innovation Support Grant to develop a prototype.  A Medilink Midlands Innovation Advisor supported Persomic in undertaking a tender process to find a software developer contractor to build the prototype, and recommended other sources of appropriate funding.  Persomic  further received a Specialist Networking Grant, to attend the Web Summit event in Lisbon, Portugal, where they made valuable business contacts, including investor leads, which have helped to directly shape Persomic’s innovation offering.


The results / evaluation
The product is still undergoing testing, but Persomic hopes to have their application fully developed and ready for general release in Q4 2023.


Medilink Midlands’s role/Quote from the company
“Persomic delivers a personalised, joined-up analysis of lab results, providing clear nutrition therapy insights for health and disease management.  Medilink and the INSTILS support has provided a lifeline through the early pre-revenue stage of product development, bringing us closer than we might otherwise have been, to commercial release and financial sustainability.” Adigo Atabo, Founder and Managing Director


Medilink Midlands’s role/Quote from the Advisor
“The INSTILS project exists to help companies bring new and innovative projects and products to life. Companies such as Persomic embody this maxim in its entirety and their software will help to fulfill a real clinical need and become a mainstay in the care system.” Alasdair Gaw, Innovation Advisor.

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