How to enter

The 2023 Medipex NHS Innovation Awards are now open for entries.

Entries must be led by an NHS organisation from anywhere in the UK (or a CIC that delivers NHS services); collaborative projects with universities or industry are encouraged, but any prize we may decide to offer will only be awarded to the lead organisation. Eligible projects include those where a new/improved product or service is being developed by, or in conjunction with, the lead NHS organisation in response to an identified need. Entries will be considered from the idea stage right through to clinical investigation/pilot/in use across 4 broad categories:

  • Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve patient services and/or safety
  • Improved treatments, therapies and rehabilitation
  • Delivering benefits through diagnosis and screening
  • Improved processes and systems

This year we are offering two entry options:

  1. A short entry form combined with a 2-minute video (preferred). Please read our video requirements guide.
  2. A standard entry form

Please note that neither method of entry will carry more weighting with regards to the judges’ scoring, it is purely to provide an opportunity for our audience to hear directly from you, the innovator before, during and after the awards event.

Download the short entry form (PDF)

Download the standard entry form (PDF)

Completed entries should be uploaded using the form at the bottom of this page. You may also use this form to upload up to two photographs to supplement your entry (JPEG or PNG only, maximum 2MB).

Videos must be uploaded to, using the name of your Lead Contact/Team Representative as the file name. Please do not upload your video using the form below.

The closing date for all entries is 15th September 2023. Entries will not be accepted after this time unless an extension is advertised on this website and social media by Medipex (Twitter: @medipex; LinkedIn: @medipex-ltd)

Shortlisted applicants (‘Finalists’) will be informed by email by 3rd October 2023. Medipex staff will request timely assistance from you after this date in creating a Powerpoint slide to showcase your innovation. We will also require you to produce good quality image(s), so please ensure valid contact details are provided. Finalists will be showcased, and winners announced, during our live, online awards ceremony to be held on the 18th October 2023.

For more information, and to apply, click here

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