The Midlands Aerospace Alliance is pleased to be working with the UK Space Agency and other stakeholders to support the space sector in our region.

In the last decade, space has transformed into one of the UK’s fastest growing and most promising sectors. Trebling in size since 2010 the UK space industry now employs close to 42,000 people and across the country and generates an income of nearly £15 billion every year.

Activity is now under way on two new programmes of work: Midlands Space Cluster and Pivot into Space. The Midlands Space Cluster project will support new and existing capability in the region, whilst Pivot into Space will offer innovation grants to 10 new entrants looking to transition into the sector. The first call for Pivot into Space project applications will be in Autumn 2023.

If you want to hear more as these programmes develop, please give us your contact details here or get in touch with either of our team leads directly:


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