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WEBINAR: Arise ABOVE Project Launch: Why and How to Get Involved

Monday 20 November 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm GMT

Medilink Midlands and Arise Innovation Hubs, part of Anglia Ruskin University, are delighted to announce the second phase of our collaborative partnership, the ABOVE project (Arise Beyond Open Innovation for Value and Entrepreneurship).

The project will deliver expert support, innovation grants and a range of sector-specific events, all geared towards unlocking MedTech investment in Essex.

The ABOVE project has been funded by Essex County Council, in support of their ten-year strategy to grow the life science, DigiTech, advanced manufacturing and engineering sectors, leading to more opportunity, jobs and growth across Essex.

As a specialist provider of support to the life science sector, Medilink Midlands continue to partner with Arise Innovation Hubs to provide expert guidance to SMEs on how to overcome barriers to growth throughout their innovation journey.

To hear more about the project and how you and your company could benefit from the support on offer, join this one-hour online briefing session.


The session will be delivered by Dr Beverley Vaughan, Arise Innovation Hubs Director and Teresa Smith, Senior Innovation Adviser at Medilink Midlands. Their presentations will cover:

  • An overview of the partner organisations – Arise Innovation Hubs and Medilink Midlands
  • An overview of the ABOVE project and the support available
  • Eligibility criteria
  • Tips and guidance on the application process
  • An opportunity ask any questions you have relating to the project.




Online – GoToMeeting


Teresa O’Rourke

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