Medilink Midlands has joined several other organisations by pledging support to the Innovate Cambridge Charter.

The Greater Cambridge city region (Cambridge) is established as a globally leading innovation ecosystem. Cambridge is the ‘unicorn capital of Europe’ for deep tech and life sciences companies and should continue to be the most prolific and impactful innovation ecosystem in Europe. The Cambridge ecosystem benefits from two universities; world leading research capability, a thriving start-up community; a vibrant entrepreneurial culture; a flourishing angel and venture investment network; a European leading medical campus; and the committed presence of globally leading businesses. The ecosystem operates within a region that includes a community of schools, social centres, public places, retailers, non-profits, and active citizens who live, work and play in the area.

Ambition Statement by Innovate Cambridge;

Today the world faces many challenges, from climate, to healthcare inequality, to the digital revolution, and the Cambridge ecosystem is ideally placed to deliver solutions.

Our ambition and vision must remain global and significant. We have an obligation to ensure our world leading research and companies continue to transform the UK and the world for the better.

For us to address national and global challenges we must keep pace with other rapidly growing innovation ecosystems. Cambridge needs to compete with other ecosystems for talent, capital, quality of life and innovation resources and we must ensure our proposition remains both compelling and differentiated.

Our ambition must be pursued with a full commitment to inclusive growth and increased diversity.

Without these, we will fail as an ecosystem.

Aims of the Innovate Cambridge Charter:

  • Set the ambition
  • Establish structure and governance
  • Define initiatives
  • Ensure inclusive growth and increased diversity
  • Enhance reputation
  • Monitor health of our innovation ecosystem

By pledging support of the Innovate Cambridge Charter, Medilink Midlands is committed to:

  • To endorse the Innovate Cambridge aims and to commit to working to achieve them
  • Be a formal part of the Innovate Cambridge conversation that will shape its proposition for the next decade
  • To support the thematic areas of action that underpin its innovation ambition
  • To provide both personal and corporate leadership
  • To identify a suitable senior person or persons in the organisation who can lead Medilink’s organisation’s contribution to this initiative across one or all of the thematic areas of action
  • To participate in and host meetings over the next 12 months as  the Innovate Cambridge proposition and roadmap is developed
  • To shape the governance, activation and event layers of the Innovate Cambridge proposition
  • To advocate for and tell the Innovate Cambridge story both within and outside the organisation, as it promotes the unique role Cambridge can play in the UK and globally

For more information visit the Innovate Cambridge website here or view the Innovate Cambridge Charter here

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