Applications are now open for the Health Tech Enterprise Innovation Voucher Competition, sponsored by product design and development specialist Smallfry, which rewards the most novel ideas in medtech innovation.

Innovation Vouchers are designed to support the development of new medical technologies. Entries are limited to those supporting the development of physical devices or diagnostics platforms. Each voucher will be worth about £3,000 of in-kind support.

The Innovation Voucher will enable the winners to work with the Health Tech Enterprise and Smallfry teams to develop and progress their idea through activities such as:

• Ideation workshop followed by concept drawings or story boards
• Development of computer aided design (CAD) model
• Design review of an existing prototype
• Putting together a user or product requirements specification

Who is eligible to apply?

The Innovation Voucher competition is open to all NHS staff within our partner NHS Trusts network. Staff in any role, responsibility, department or grade are encouraged to enter their medical technology ideas. Only novel ideas will be supported through the Innovation Voucher Competition. Entrants must be prepared to comply with their respective Trust’s Intellectual Property Policy.

The competition deadline is 5pm on 6 December 2024. If you have any questions concerning the Innovation Voucher Competition, please call 01223 422422 or email

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