The popularity of endurance sports like cycling and running has grown significantly over the past two decades.
Muscle contractions during exercise increases body temperature. The thermoregulatory response to lower body temperature is to sweat, which over a prolonged period, results in dehydration due to loss of water and electrolytes and detriments to endurance performance (Shirreffs et al., 2011).
Recently, Mckintosh and colleagues (2024), reported a drink with low glucose but high electrolyte and amino acid drink maintained better blood electrolyte balance and self-reported cramping.
Exercising in the heat further increases sweat rate and electrolyte loss, and subsequently decreases endurance performance (Shirreffs et al., 2011). Heat increases core temperatures which are believed to alter nervous system functioning (Drust et al., 2005).
This pilot project will investigate if a Recovery gel containing a cocktail of can enhance endurance performance and limit fatigue during 60 minutes of endurance activity in the heat compared to a placebo gel.