Expert cleanroom company Airology was appointed to help design and build an ISO 7 cleanroom facility to enable Birmingham-based Xeal Pharma meet growing demands by creating a larger space for their production.

The Process

The client required an ISO 7 multiroom cleanroom facility with temperature control, specialist two room close control system, filtration, pressure monitoring and extraction for Wash Room to meet its increased demand.

After extensive surveying of the empty warehouse space, Airology worked with the client over a number of months to finalise the layout/design that would ensure an efficient transition of its product and personnel in each stage of production. Particular attention was given to the layout of the facility and the size of each area to create the most efficient use of space and close control in two rooms only.


After successful installation of the new ISO 7 cleanroom facility, Xeal Pharma has benefited from:

  • The ability to produce larger amounts of its products
  • Designated rooms with close control
  • Designated wash room area for product container cleaning
  • Reduced costs as outsourcing has been eliminated
  • The capability to grow the business and meet the growing demands of the industry


Article provided by Medilink Midlands Member Airology. To view the full case study video, click here.


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