Company name:  Ariane Medical Systems Ltd  Contact name & Job Title  Simon Bernard, Sales Director  
Project title:  Re-designing Papillon+  Month/year  October 2017 
Case study writer:  Merle Harrison  Account Manager   Nathan Walker  


The background to the case study 
Ariane Medical Ltd aims to optimise the use of low energy X-rays for the treatment of accessible tumours. In 2016 they developed the Papillon+ X-Ray Brachytherapy system which delivers a Multi treatment Radiothearpy boost to tumours for Rectal, Breast and Skin cancers. This is in place of the traditional post-surgical treatment where radiotherapy is delivered from outside the body.  

Ariane Medical Ltd was established in 2004 and currently has 8 employees (including company directors).  


The challenge / trigger event 
At the initial stage of design, the Papillon+ support stand could only be manoeuvred in a limited capacity by clinicians in theatre. In early 2017 Ariane Medical looked to re-design the Papillon+ to make it: 

  • More ergonomic- making the X Ray generator tube, through which radiotherapy is delivered, much easier for surgeons to manoeuvre and position.  
  • More portable- allowing the device to be moved more easily between hospital sites to increase patient accessibility to the technology. It would also enable the device to be moved off site for multiple sites and repairs and maintenance to reduce costs vs. in-situ repairs and maintenance.  
  • Reduce its size and weight to reduce shipping costs for exports.  


The company looked to commission a product design consultancy to come up with several concept proposals to meet the desired requirements.  


The solution 
Medilink EM awarded grant funding to the value of £10,800 through the ERDF-funded INSTILS programme.  

This enabled Ariane Medical to secure a Product Design company to deliver several concept proposals which would take into consideration all the innovation needs outlined. Ariane also required a finished computer aided design solution to be delivered in order to begin prototype manufacture.  


The results / evaluation 
The new product is expected to increase profits, both due to improved sales and a reduction in manufacturing and export costs. The new design of the product will increase customer and patient accessibility, and the novel modifications will make it more attractive to the market. 

Improved sales are likely to create more jobs and the company has acquired a new, larger premises in preparation for this.  

Funding has allowed Ariane Medical to accelerate the project and reduce the risk of development. It has also helped the companies to exploit new export opportunities more rapidly than if there were no funding available.   


Quote from the company  
“We were approached by Medilink to join as members and didn’t realise the funding opportunities that were available. 

Medilink were fantastic and supported Ariane through all the paperwork and made sure we delivered the correct documentation. 

Medilink made the application process simple, allowing us to focus on our business. 

Without the support of Medilink, we would not have been in a position to have started this project in 2017.” 

Simon Bernard, Sales Director. 


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