Bluefrog Design has developed Apne-Scan for Apnea Tech Ltd.

ApneScan is designed to triage patients with suspected sleep apnoea. A Bluetooth enabled, easy to use, low cost, single use device that screens for sleep apnoea by monitoring the breath pathway. With the potential to increase capacity within busy sleep clinics, Apne-Scan enables patients to access much-needed treatment. The device is focused on best user-centred design principals, is a lightweight and comfortable device that prioritises patient comfort.

Andy Moss, founder of Apnea Tech Ltd. praised Bluefrog Design’s professionalism and collaboration throughout the development of Apne-Scan, which he sees as a long-term collaboration. We’re proud to have supported Apnea Tech Ltd. through the product development journey in the medical sector and we look forward to a continued collaboration in the future.

This story was written by Medilink Midlands Member, Bluefrog Design. To find out more about Medilink Midlands membership, click here.

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