Bright Future for Life Sciences in the Midlands

The amalgamation of Medilink East and West Midlands has been given the seal of approval in a move which will serve the best interests of the life sciences sector in the Midlands. This unification, that sees Medilink East and West Midlands operate under a single group company, Medilink Midlands, was...

5 top tips for your first R&D Tax Credit Claim

There are many reasons why a company is yet to claim R&D Tax Relief. You might be a new business, a start-up or a university spin-out; you might have recently come across the scheme for the first time; you may have previously thought you were ineligible, or you may have...

UK-EU Trade Deal, What’s the State of Play?

A Business Leader’s View of the Negotiations Over the past few months, the UK’s focus has understandably been on managing the Coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. But the question of Brexit has not gone away. Chief Executive of Morningside Pharmaceuticals, Dr Nik Kotecha OBE, gives his view on the negotiations.   ...

Medilink East Midlands joins forces with Silverstone Technology Cluster

Medilink East Midlands has become the second significant industry sector body in as many months to announce a new data and technical-driven partnership with the Silverstone Technology Cluster (STC). Medilink EM is the East Midlands life science industry association whose aim is to help companies establish, develop and grow. It...

The benefits of R&D Tax Relief for Start-ups

During the first few years of a running a start-up business, claiming R&D Tax Relief may be far from the top of your priorities. However, making a claim could return a significant amount of much-needed cash to your business. Many technology-based start-up businesses are innovative by their very nature. They’re usually created...

Quotient Sciences Completes Million Dollar Pharmacy Expansion at Miami Clinic

Quotient Sciences, a global pharmaceutical development, clinical and commercial manufacturing organization, announced today the completion of a $1 million dollar pharmacy and laboratory expansion at their Miami, FL clinical pharmacology facility.  The expanded pharmacy capabilities offer customers a quick and cost-effective way to start clinical testing, without the need for...

Medilink East Midlands Member Spreads its Wings during COVID-19

Medilink EM Member Company Afortiori Development has introduced a range of new services to its extensive portfolio during the COVID-19 pandemic. Afortiori Development Ltd is a clinical research company which provides services for the design, planning and management of clinical studies, including post-marketing clinical follow-up and also provides a consulting...

Dexamethasone approved to treat COVID-19 patients in the UK

Medicines regulators around the world have pledged to support the rapid approval of medicines to treat COVID-19, where there is adequate evidence of safety and therapeutic benefit. The UK Government has fast-tracked authorisation of the use of well-known corticosteroid, dexamethasone, for the treatment of hospitalised COVID-19 patients requiring oxygen, including...