Invention for Innovation – Product Development Awards Call 28

The NIHR Invention for Innovation (i4i) programme invites proposals to Call 28 of its researcher-led Product Development Awards (PDA) The i4i Product Development Awards (PDA) supports collaborative research and development of medical devices, in vitro diagnostic devices and high-impact patient-focused digital health technologies for use in the NHS or social care systems....

eg technology’s Co-Founder, Andrew Ede, retires

Today is quite a monumental day at eg technology. Today, our co-founder Andrew Ede is retiring after 22 years at eg and a broader career spanning over 40 years. Although this seems like the end of an era at eg, the wheels have been in motion for some time, and...

The ‘Four Ps’ of successful product development: insights from Venturefest West Midlands

Venturefest West Midlands took place on 21 March 2024, providing entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators with the opportunity to meet, engage, and exchange ideas for co-operation and collaboration, particularly in the fields of science and emerging technologies. A key feature of Venturefest West Midlands is its programme featuring industry leaders delivering...

How to Build a High-Performance Life Science Team

When it comes to recruitment, the life sciences industry is undoubtedly highly competitive.With demand for skilled professionals often outpacing the supply, attracting (and retaining) qualified candidates with the right expertise can be a significant challenge for many life science companies. From nurturing a positive work culture to empowering and developing...

Neupulse secures funding to advance world’s first wearable device to tackle Tourettes Syndrome

 Neupulse has secured funding to advance the world’s first wearable device aimed at tackling Tourettes Syndrome (TS) and other tic disorders towards commercialisation.  Neupulse’s recently finalised working prototype stimulates the median nerve in the wrist, reducing the frequency of tics in individuals with TS, a condition that is thought to...