Steve Thomason from competition sponsors Agora Marketing Communications, presented the £100 Amazon Vouchers to Max for successfully visiting each of the 32 exhibitors at the recent Medilink Midlands Innovation Day in Coventry.


“The exhibitor competition on the day was a great way of encouraging delegates to speak to everyone exhibiting at the event,” said Max. “It prompted conversations with people representing companies with which, at first glance, we had no obvious synergies. The scale of the exhibition was perfect in making the competition challenging but achievable and we certainly benefited from participating.


“The Medilink Midlands Innovation Day is an event we prioritise in our events calendar every year. We feel it is a really valuable exhibition for all regional organisations operating in the life sciences or med-tech spaces and it was great this year to do it in person again. Exhibiting gives us the opportunity to reconnect with familiar faces, meet new contacts and learn more about the capability that surrounds us. The presentations are useful for raising awareness about recent developments in the region and learning from the experience of other peer organisations. MTIF are already looking forward to next year’s Innovation Day and all those for the foreseeable future.”


Steve Thomason from Agora Marketing said, “We were delighted to sponsor the exhibition alongside Coventry University, who were the main sponsors of this important day for the life science sector in the Midlands, and encouraged by the conversations taking place throughout the day amongst exhibitors and delegates for collaboration in the future.


The Medical Technologies Innovation Facility (MTIF) is a pioneering, dual-site research and development facility, supporting academic and industry institutions to accelerate the development of med-tech innovations from bench to bedside. Through the provision of specialist services, sector-leading expertise, and state-of-the-art facilities, and through its regional strategic partners, MTIF can offer a fully integrated capability to support the end-to-end development of innovative products and therapies, and ultimately improving patients’ lives.


Agora Marketing Communications is one of the Midlands’ leading outsourced marketing agencies, with a strong bias towards working alongside companies in the life science sector to provide low cost, targeted, marketing support to raise awareness and generate new enquiries.


Medilink Midlands is the Midlands Life Science Industry association, focused on connectivity and collaboration, serving its members and supporting businesses to establish, develop and grow. Working with key strategic partners across the Midlands including the Midlands Engine with a collective vision to create a shared strategy to boost the life sciences eco-system and stimulate economic growth in the region. Medilink Midlands acts as a thought leader for the region and Medilink’s power and value is its ability to draw the key industry influences together. This was tangibly demonstrated at this event, where conversations between more than 170 delegates, exhibitors and speakers – including MTIF – sparked connections that we hope will provide a firm foundation for future collaborative projects across the region.

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