A recently launched dedicated grant writing service for healthcare funding is breaking new ground for Leicestershire company Cresco Innovation.

This refreshing, strategic approach has already seen Cresco help several projects receive valuable investment, some of which have ultimately proved to be lifesaving.

Cresco continue to provide their usual range services including, among others, IP advice and commercialisation, technology scouting and project management, but they are one of very few companies who offer a bespoke service that is specifically tailored to healthcare projects.

By drawing on the team’s wealth of experience in healthcare and by understanding exactly what different funders require, Cresco have recently won more than £6.5million in funding for several different projects.

What makes Cresco’s health team different?

Unlike many other similar companies, Cresco’s team integrate themselves fully within their healthcare clients. This enables Cresco to identify gaps within that team’s existing knowledge and expertise that is required to successfully achieve the clinical adoption of the technology.

Building on that, Cresco seek to identify opportunities and apply for funding in order to progress the technology along the clinical development pathway.

Cresco’s dedicated skill-set and vast experience in developing healthcare technologies maximises the chance of success and overcomes the burden of applying for a grant.

What successes have the health team enjoyed so far?

In recent months, Cresco have won more than £6.5m in Innovate UK biomedical funding. This includes a £1.5m project to develop a medical device for treatment of cancer; a £3.9m drug development project; and a £1.6m project that will enable a unique intraperitoneal chemotherapy delivery system to be developed.

What does Cresco CEO Jo Derbyshire say?

“We have been fortunate in being able to attract a really excellent team of writers with a world-class background in health innovation and commercialisation,” said Cresco CEO Jo Derbyshire.

“The sector is quite a cohesive community, and we get companies approach us based upon recommendations. As such, we have had some significant successes already this year.

“That we’re celebrating these wins so far this year demonstrates that, by launching our new dedicated team, our approach to healthcare funding is certainly a step in the right direction, not only for us but for our existing and potential clients in healthcare.”

Who are Cresco Innovation?

Cresco are based in Loughborough, Leicestershire. Led by CEO Jo Derbyshire, Cresco’s team of highly skilled bid writers have an excellent track record of helping companies to develop and implement innovation strategies. But they do more than grant writing. The team has significant business development skills, ensuring projects have real commercial focus.

Who’s who in the health team?

Caroline Sykes – is a grant writer with more than 15 years in technology transfer, focusing on healthcare and taking technology from bench to bedside, while having also supported companies across various sectors to apply for and secure funding from various sources, including InUK and NIHR.

Paul Allen – has 20 years of working in pharmaceutical R&D behind him, most notably at Pfizer and AstraZeneca, and is now a highly skilled grant writer, supporting pharma, biopharma and medtech SMEs, and large Life Sciences companies and academic groups, to apply for UK and EU grants.

David Cheshire – spent the majority of his career in the healthcare sector, working at AstraZeneca for more than 20 years. In his many roles, he gained extensive project management skills as well as contributing to more than 45 patents and scientific papers.

Harry Duckels – is a proposal writer with the passion and commitment to support companies and help develop their innovative technologies into the market.

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