The value of a well-managed connected device can be significant, to both individuals and businesses. So, it is no surprise that the connected device ecosystem is not only thriving but growing exponentially. In fact, McKinsey Global Institute is estimating that connected (IoT) products and services will generate between $5.5 trillion and $12.6 trillion in value by 2030. There is, therefore, no escaping the obvious ‘draw’ of having connectivity enabled within new product developments, but what are the key considerations when developing connected devices?

To answer this question, eg technology have launched a free eBook, which looks at some common development challenges, highlights key considerations and also shares best practice for the design and development of smart connected devices.

Their overall aim is to help organisations create an integrated development roadmap and facilitate the creation of successful, market-ready connected devices.

You can download a copy of the free eBook – Connected Devices: A guide to developing the right product here.

Article written by Medilink Midlands member eg technology


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