Medilink Patrons, Nottingham Trent University (NTU) are inviting expressions of interest from med-tech companies within the Midlands region who would be keen to join them for the next Town Hall meeting relating to their Place-Based Impact Acceleration Account (PBIAA) bid. The meeting is taking place on Wednesday 22nd February at the University’s Clifton Campus, from 10:00am-2:00pm. 

The aim of the bid is to establish a successful East Midland’s MedTech cluster of excellence that will: drive increased investment and boost regional economic growth in the health, life sciences, and MedTech sector (particularly SMEs); improve patient outcomes and reduce NHS burden across our region; and tackle wider health inequalities and social barriers in the area. 

NTU are keen to involve industry voices throughout the bidding process and invite med-tech companies within our region to join them on 22nd February. If you are interested, please send a short summary including your name, position, company, current med-tech activity and future plans to Louise Mounteney (, by Tuesday 31st January. 

While there are limited spaces available to attend the meeting, NTU intend to follow up with those who express an interest in this opportunity to discuss how they may be involved in other capacities as the PBIAA bid develops. 

 NTU are leading on a PBIAA bid that will bring together and nurture the emerging East Midlands MedTech Cluster (led by Prof John Hunt) in collaboration with academic partners (Universities of Nottingham, Derby, and Loughborough) and civic partners (D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership, Medilink Midlands, Nottingham City Council, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust, and Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust). 

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