Micronclean SKIEs Values states – “Investing in people is not about being nice to people (although this helps) but rather ensuring that we have people who share the value set of our SKIEs.”

This statement encompasses the work that has taken place in collaboration with Eresby Special School.

Recently, we’ve been working closely with local schools, Lincolnshire County Council, and the Greater Lincolnshire LEP, to give students studying within our communities’ meaningful experiences, and potential destinations through activities such as work experience. During the early part of Spring, Micronclean welcomed two students from Eresby to our production site in Skegness for the week. Both Marcus and Leo, who were with us, were a true credit to Eresby.

Visiters at Micronclean from Eresby School

There was also a substantial effort from our production team in Skegness. From going into the school to demonstrate our processes, offering tours of the workplace, or being mentors for the students during their week with us. The feedback from a variety of staff at our Roman Bank site has been empowering. I’m sure we will be repeating this process in the future and who knows, we may one day have a full-time employee who was an alumnus of Eresby.

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