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IN-PERSON EVENT: Annual Life Sciences conference: Clinical Trials and AI – Legal Challenges and Pitfalls

Thursday 14 November 2024 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm GMT

Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP – ELG

Penningtons Manches Cooper are delighted to invite you to our upcoming conference, “Clinical Trials and AI Legal Challenges and Pitfalls”.

This event is designed to bring together anyone working in the biotech, pharma, techbio, med tech, or tech sectors who are interested in hearing about the legal issues around the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in life sciences and in particular around use involving clinical trials data. Anyone from these sectors are welcomed, whether or not you are early stage or at clinical stage, and whether or not you are already using AI.

The conference sessions include:

Introduction: Unlocking Potential – Using AI in Clinical Research
Hosted by Professor Martin Wilkins, Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, Imperial College, London

Harnessing AI for Clinical Trials: Navigating the Options and Ensuring Regulatory and Data Protection Compliance
Lisa Page (Penningtons Manches Cooper) & Nora Pook (Penningtons Manches Cooper)

This session will delve into the transformative impact of AI on clinical trials, with a particular focus on the use of AI on pre-existing clinical data. The discussion will address key legal considerations, including data protection, consent requirements, and intellectual property (IP) rights:

• Overview of AI systems’ use in clinical trials and regulatory backdrop/requirements for the AI systems UK/EU/FDA
• Initial use case for Pre-screening of patients and any regulatory hurdles
• Data protection considerations and approach with examples also of client advice
• Use cases for clinical trial management/post trial use of data (historical and current)regulatory considerations.
• Data protection aspects for the above use cases especially for use of pt data that is not a part of the trial (Anonymised vs Pseudonymised data).

The Global Landscape of AI and Data Regulation
This session will provide an overview of the regulatory landscape impacting AI, data, and associated rights within life sciences. Our expert panel will cover the UK’s regulatory environment, while external panelists will address key regulatory requirements in other jurisdictions such as in the US and Europe. Discussions will focus on how these regulations influence the development and deployment of AI in biotech and medtech, highlighting compliance strategies and future trends.

Panel Discussion: Real-World Applications of AI in Clinical Trials Data
This panel will share real-world experiences and the discussion will explore practical challenges, successes, and lessons learned, offering attendees valuable insights into the application of AI in the field.

Join us for a morning of insightful discussion, expert opinion and valuable networking opportunities with professionals in the life sciences sector. As part of conference a light breakfast will be served, and lunch to follow the sessions.

To register your place, please click here.

If you have any queries, please email Kelly Ray.


Pennington Manches Cooper LLP

125 Wood Street
London, EC2V 7AW


Penningtons Manches Cooper

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