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Mills & Reeve Life Sciences Legal Forum

Wednesday 25 September 2024 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am BST

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Mills & Reeve invites you to join their Life Sciences Legal Forum.

The regulatory landscape for the life sciences continues to evolve rapidly as the rate of technological advancement within the sector – the development of new drug modalities and the application of digital technology, for example – continues apace. The new Labour government in the UK has also indicated that it will reform regulation to make pathways easier and quicker to navigate.

What are the current regulatory trends for both medicines and medical devices and how do we see regulation developing over the short and mid-term? What do businesses in the sector need to watch out for?

Mills & Reeve’s Head of Sector James Fry will be joined by Isabel Teare, along with regulatory consultants Alisdair Falconer at DLRC, and Timothy Bubb at iMed, to give their collective expert views on these issues.

Upon confirmation of your place, you will have the opportunity to send questions to the speakers in advance. You will also be able to ask questions on the day and the panel will aim to cover all of these during the webinar.

To find out more information, and reserve your place, please click here.
If you need any adjustments to take part in this webinar, please use the requirements form.


Online – Zoom


Mills & Reeve



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