What’s MedXperience:
- The first international open innovation and B2B event.
- This international event will bring together major players from the Ile-de-France region’s exceptional healthcare ecosystem and their worldwide partners.
MedXperience promises:
- Discover MedXperience event organised around the 4 strategic fields: diagnosis, imaging, advanced therapies, ehealth.
- Come and network with Paris region innovative health players to develop future health tech solutions.
- Experience in creating and co-working during open-innovation sessions.
Increase your business buy meeting the main healthcare powerful actors of this ecosystem.
MedXperience programme:
- Join over 20 high-level debates, keynotes and conferences organised during 2 days.
- Take the opportunity to present and develop innovative, collaborative and international projects thanks to Medicen Paris Region.
If you’d like to find out more or you’re interested in attending, please email [email protected]