SEHTA invites you to join them for their Annual General Meeting and conference. Hear from key speakers, enjoy canapes and drinks and help to celebrate SEHTA’s 10 year anniversary.
Health technology, clinical priorities, funding and policy all seem to change at a breathtaking place- where will they all be in 10 years?
15:30 Registration and Refreshments
16:00 Welcome, Introduction and SEHTA AGM
16:15 Presentation of 10 year review
16:40 Case Study: SEHTA & Docobo
17:00 Looking forward 10 years: A clinician’s perspective
17:20 Looking forward 10 years: Health technology industry perspective
17:40 Refreshment Break
18:00 Looking forward 10 years: Public & Private sector funding
19:00 Evening Drinks and Networking Reception
To find out more information about this event, or to register your free place, please click here.