International Festival For Business

Exhibition Centre Liverpool Kings Dock, Waterfront, Liverpool

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) have teamed up with International Festival For Business 2016 (IFB2016), a global market place for creating connections and doing deals.


This Boot Camp is an intense two and a half day programme suitable for anyone wishing to learn the tools and techniques to explore their own life science start-up business idea, or to stress test their current company product, services, and business model. It is not essential to have a well-explored business plan to participate. The […]

SBRI Healthcare London Briefing Seminar

Herringham Hall, Regent's Conference & Events Herringham Hall, Regent's Conference & Events, Regent's Park, London

This free-to-attend seminar will cover the key requirements for the latest SBRI Healthcare competition, which launched on Wednesday 8 June 2016.

Emita event: International Negotiation Skills

The Quorn Country Hotel 66 Leicester Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire

This breakfast seminar will address the important concepts and ideas relating to cross-border negotiations, and provide participants with an understanding of how they need to adapt their approach when negotiating internationally.

SBRI Healthcare Leeds Briefing Seminar

Park Plaza Nottingham Nottingham, United Kingdom

This free-to-attend seminar will cover the key requirements for the latest SBRI Healthcare competition, which launched on Wednesday 8 June 2016.

Digital Health Special Interest Group (SIG)

The Dock 75 Exploration Drive, Leicester

The next Digital Health Special Interest Group (SIG) is taking place on the afternoon of Wednesday 29 June in Leicestershire. The theme for the SIG is "The Data Interface for Health and Social Care".


Many businesses are unaware of the potential benefits of Research & Development (R&D) tax credits, mistakenly think they are difficult to qualify for or simply don’t believe the scheme will apply to their business. These assumptions are often incorrect and this is where SmithCooper and TBAT can provide R&D tax help. Attend this seminar to […]

MediWales Connects: NHS Collaboration Conference

Mecure Holland House Hotel Mecure Holland House Hotel, Newport Road, Cardiff, Wales

NHS colleagues from across Wales, local companies and the wider industry sector will join to share clinical innovation in practice to improve patient outcomes.

Taking the China Challenge

China-Britain Business Council 3rd Floor, Portland House, Bressenden Place, London

UKTI and the China-Britain Business Council are holding a one day event in London which will provide up to date information on the potential opportunities for UK organisations in China's Life Science sector.

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Code of conduct for all events

To read through the code of conduct expected by all event attendees please read Code of Conduct – Medilink Midlands Events.