The Growing Innovation Capital Grant scheme is open to enterprises to support their innovation ambitions.

This grant is designed to help realise the area’s strategic economic aims, notably to strengthen innovation, support decarbonisation and assist with the commercialization of ideas.  Enterprises successful in their application will have capital projects that support these aims.

Grant allocations through the Growing Innovation scheme will be between £100,000 and £300,000.

This is a match-fund capital grant, with at least 50% of the total expenditure to be secured by other means. The applicant business should also be able to set out why it would not be possible for their investment to come forward without support the public sector.

To proceed with the Growing Innovation Grant, businesses are requested to submit an Expression of Interest by 5pm, 1 August 2023. Grant panel decisions based on EOIs will be made in September.

Projects that score highly with their Expression of Interest, will be invited to submit a full application. This will likely be at the end of September. The deadline for full applications will be 15 November 2023.

We strongly recommend that you take the time to read the grant document and contact us should you have any immediate questions. We will also publish a Q&A, to respond to enquires that come through.

Click here for more information

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