Haverhill firm set to share leading products and services at Cleanroom Technology Conference and Med-Tech Innovation Expo


GUARDTECH CLEANROOMS are all set for the start of their 2021 conference season – with a prestigious double header on the horizon this September.

The controlled environment kings and queens are excited to be showing off their wide range of products and services at the Cleanroom Technology Conference at the National Motorcycle Museum on 14-15 September, before returning to Birmingham for Med-Tech Innovation Expo a fortnight later (28-29) at the NEC.

Suffolk-based Guardtech specialise in turnkey cleanroom construction builds, but also provide an array of other controlled environment solutions – including their CleanCube portable cleanrooms and ISOPOD quick-assembly cleanrooms, as well as providing comprehensive servicing and maintenance packages.

And their Marketing Manager Joe Shackley, who will be attending both events this year for the first time, is thrilled at the prospect of his first live event with the company.

“I cannot wait for these conferences,” he said. “I’ve been at Guardtech for a year now and, due to the pandemic, we haven’t been able to attend any face-to-face events like these throughout my time here. I’ve heard all about how interesting and informative they are, how you get to meet so many brilliant prospective clients, and how the buzz and vibe is generally so positive and uplifting. I’m really looking forward to sharing our amazing Guardtech brand with the cleanroom world again.”

Guardtech have a rich history of attending these now well-established conferences, as well as many others so vital to the industry, and they’re sure to be the first of many they pitch up at over the coming years.

Mr Shackley is keen for as many visitors as possible to drop by Guardtech’s B1 stand at Cleanroom Technology Conference and B40 pitch at Med-Tech.

“If you’re coming to either conference, please do drop by and say hello,” he added. “We’re super proud of what the Guardtech team do and we want to shout it from the rooftops.

“Our CleanCube portable cleanrooms, be it shipping containers or vehicular conversions, have been doing amazing work assisting with COVID-19 PCR, while our ISOPOD quick-assembly cleanrooms are saving businesses time, money and space across the UK.

“Then there’s our incredible design & build back catalogue – we really do have a long history of amazing projects that we’d love to talk to visitors about. You never know, we might just be exactly what you need to take your cleanroom project or laboratory build to the next level.”

For more information on Guardtech’s products and services, call 0330 113 0303 or email sales@guardtech.com.

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