Heal.Med CIC

HEAL.med CIC is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company set up to deliver knowledge and education to support children and young people with type 1 diabetes.

Scale up operations and trade internationally.

  • Internationalisation of their education is still in a research and viability stage, but there is significant interest coming from all over the world. They are aiming for further roll-out in 2023/2024.
  • Specialist Networking Grant to attend , the Friends for Life (FFL) USA Diabetes Conference, allowing HEAL.med to showcase their app and educational resources to the US market.


“By supporting us to attend the Friends for Life Conference in the USA, Medilink Midlands and the SoLSTICE project allowed us to ensure that we remain at the forefront of diabetes education. This, coupled with our future international expansion plans, means that we are in a far better position than we would have otherwise been, to expand internationally and deliver diabetes education across the world.” 

Lee Paxman-Clarke, CEO

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