Dr Matthew Bacon of TCC-CASEMIX Ltd, has been informing us of a string of success stories. His start-up business will be two years old in January, and it is fair to say that 2021 has been a huge year for his fledgling business.

Matthew established his business to transform how surgical service delivery could be transformed to substantially improve productivity. He has since expanded his proposition to support theatre management teams to learn how to optimise surgical services delivery with a simulation service that enables teams to experiment with all the variables that confound predictably of theatre list completions.

He has built his business totally on leading-edge technologies, where automated data analytics and machine learning algorithms systemise what would have otherwise required a larger team of analysts. Simulation of the impact of medical devices used in surgery supported by a unique open registry infrastructure of medical device performance is another major innovation. His business is now working with some of the worlds largest medical device companies who have totally brought into his business’s unique products and services.

But his progress has been far from smooth – after failing to win another Innovate UK Smart Grant, and then a Biomedical Catalyst Grant during the summer, last week his persistence resulted in success in winning a lucrative SBRI Net Zero competition award for their visionary strategy for the decarbonisation of surgical pathways. These awards are given to companies considered to have developed a significant innovation, worthy of investment by the government. They are considered an alternative to an Angel Investment. Partners on this visionary project are the ABHI and the University of Plymouth. The project called PredictOR, is focused on the identification and management of embodied carbon in medical devices.  This will be developed using the technology infrastructure that they have been developing for the South West of the UK. This infrastructure which is being supported by funding from medical device manufacturers will enable them and NHS trusts to harvest surgical performance data from across the region. It will also provide a completely new resource for patients to evaluate medical device performance.

Over the summer TCC-CASEMIX Ltd was recognised for their achievements  – they were runner up to the British Business Bank Start-up of the year award. This was followed by winning the Medilink Midlands Start-up of the year award.  On Friday 4th November Matthew won two Institute of Directors awards (Midlands Region) – firstly Start-up of the year and then Innovation Director of the year award. He will now be considered the National Award.

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