Closes: 15 February 2023 – rolling call

The NIHR Invention for Innovation (i4i) Programme is launching Pilot 2 of FAST – Funding At the Speed of Translation Pilot 2 will be open for applications from 12 December 2022, and applications will be assessed on a rolling basis. The available budget is approximately £1.5m, and the pilot will close on 15 February or once the funding has been allocated. Applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

FAST is aimed at innovators in need of a small amount of funding to answer a specific question or to fund a single piece of activity to advance healthcare technologies and interventions for increased patient benefit. Awards are designed to address an evidence gap and innovations must have demonstrated experimental proof of concept as a minimum. The research theme can be in any area of existing or emerging clinical need.

The Awards provide between £15k to £50k of funding for projects that can last between 3 to 6 months. FAST Awards are designed to have a rapid turnaround, and funding decisions will be made within 6 to 8 weeks.

You can find further details about Pilot 2 by reading the FAST applicant guidance, and the funded blog post about FAST from the i4i Programme Director, Mike Lewis.

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