Company details
Eureka Inventions has a vision for patient safety in childbirth and surgery through an engineered design solution preventing surgical swabs, the single largest item from being accidentally retained in patients
This is the first low-cost product to validate counts objectively. This is a simple docking system with a feedback mechanism resulting in reliable method. The current standard is to count swabs manually, which is prone to errors in high-pressure situations. Retained swabs are classified internationally as a ‘never event’ – an event that should never happen.
iCount can potentially eliminate this patient safety problem and help staff do the right thing. Users highlighted that it will help them focus on what matters most: taking care of mothers and babies. High-fidelity simulation studies showed that there was a 36.78% reduction in the time taken to count in-out one set of swabs.
This innovation reduces carbon emissions. It has enabled us to reduce the size of the swabs to an optimal size. Cotton carbon footprint is far higher than plastic. resulting in 1.2kg reduction in carbon emissions per pack of 5 swabs.
Work package
The aim of work is to develop business case for the iCount device which is used in maternity settings and can support patient safety through the accurate and timely retrieval of surgical swabs.
The work will include the following:
- Outline of the strategic case and objectives and the case of need
- Competitor analysis
- Options assessment including Do Nothing
- Cost-benefit assessment
- Procurement Routes including input from Health Innovation East Midlands
- Recommendations
Deliverable: NHS trust Stakeholder engagement and Business Case
Eureka Inventions will engage and provide the necessary information required to develop the business case.
Tenders will be selected based on the following main criteria:
- Capability and capacity to perform the work stated and produce the deliverables
- Understanding the Brief
- Cost
- Timing
- Expertise
A non-disclosure agreement will need to be signed if more information is needed. Please contact [email protected] and cc [email protected] regarding this.