The AHSN Network is thrilled to see ‘Improving Patient Safety Culture – a practical guide’ released by NHS England this week.

The new guide, developed by NHS England in association with the AHSN Patient Safety Collaboratives, supports teams to understand their culture and how to approach improving it.

It is intended to be used across health and social care to support everyone to improve the safety culture in their organisation or area, specifically focusing on:

  • TeamworkText reads: NHS 75. Improving patient safety culture - a practical guide
  • Communication
  • Just culture
  • Psychological safety
  • Promoting diversity and inclusive behaviours
  • Civility

Teams should use the guide to find the most relevant way for their local context to start to improve their culture. It will support teams to explore different approaches to help them to create windows into their daily work to help them to understand their local safety culture.

A supportive culture enables individuals to openly talk about and raise patient safety concerns, without fear of blame, reprimand or intimidation, ensuring that teams, and the broader NHS, can learn from these events to make care safer. It helps to shift to a just and restorative culture where the focus is on understanding and learning. It maximises the learning opportunities, so underlying issues around safe systems and ways of working can be identified and addressed.

Safety culture is one of the two key foundations of the NHS patient safety strategy. The guide builds on the NHS People Plan, which recognised the importance of an inclusive and compassionate culture to ensure that we have the best care that we can.

For more information, click here

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