BrainBerry Ltd:

INVITATION TO TENDER (ITT) for Deployment of Functions into Cloud Architecture

1          Your Cloud Services company along with others is invited to offer a tender for provision of the above, to the specification outlined in the attached documents.  Enclosed are:

Deployment of function on per the Architecture provided –

2          One copy of your tender must be received by no later than 25-May-2023.  Late tenders will not be considered.

3          If having read the enclosed specification you decide not to submit a tender, I would be grateful if could send your reasons (though you are under no obligation to do so) to, at the above address marked ‘No Tender’.

4          Please contact me if you have any questions about the tender. The enclosed Document also contains details for providing you with further information or clarification of BrainBerry’s requirement.

I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely

Kartheka Bojan

CEO, BrainBerry

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