
TeamLytica Limited are seeking tenders for a supplier that can deliver all the following content. We would prefer one supplier so as to deliver joined-up thinking, design and outcomes for the whole work flow.

The project requires service that can provide the following:

  • Website and Web-based app audit – to understand and improve user journeys
  • Video and written learning collateral – all linked back to the TeamLytica questionnaire
  • Website rebuild – to encompass points one and two above
  • Design, write and resource a team development day programme – linked to the questionnaire


Respondents can submit a proposal for all or part of the brief.  An NDA is required before a detailed job brief can be sent.


The responses will be reviewed based on the follow criteria:

    1. Expertise – the ability to deliver on the above requirements. A sound knowledge of leadership and team building principles, ideally within the NHS. A high quality and engaging copywriting style. Knowledge and delivery of training videos
    2. Value for Money – the ability to provide the project at around benchmark rates
    3. Cultural fit – the ability to relate to TeamLytica Ltd and work together to deliver the project
    4. Capability / Timescales – these are very tight. The respondent must confirm that all work can be completed by the end of May 2023


To submit a proposal or discuss the scope of this innovation, please contact Mark Hide


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