• The Health Foundation are looking to appoint one or more research partners to build the evidence base for their new commission exploring work and health.
  • The overall budget for this work is £240,000 including VAT.
  • Apply by 12.00 (midday) on Monday 18 September 2023.

To explore this further, we’re launching a new commission on work and health. Engaging experts, influencers and decision makers in government and industry, the commission will develop policy proposals to support a healthier working population.

A strong evidence base is needed to lay the foundations for this work. We’re looking for one or more research partners to support this. They’ll be joined by a public involvement partner, ensuring that at the heart of the commission are people’s lived experiences of the impact of work on health. (See the separate Invitation to tender for the public involvement partner role.)

The role of research partners

We are looking to commission research on the following six themes:

  1. The UK experience of working-age health and employment trends in comparison to other countries
  2. How health and employment outcomes vary between local areas within the UK
  3. Interactions between the quality of work and types of job that people do and their health.
  4. The extent to which caring needs and poor health affect the labour force participation and earnings of household and family members
  5. How government, services and employers support workers’ health and labour force participation
  6. How work is changing and will change in future in light of new technology and wider trends, and the impact on health and participation.

The overall budget for this programme is £240,000 (including VAT) to cover all six themes. Suppliers may submit proposals to cover one or more themes.

Proposals should demonstrate the skills and capacity to carry out the research, in line with requirements set out in the Invitation to tender.

How to apply

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please follow these steps:

  1. Read the Invitation to tender and Guidance for applicants, which detail tender response requirements and selection criteria.
  2. If you have any queries after reading these and our Frequently asked questions, email research.mailbox@health.org.uk.
  3. Apply via our online portal by 12.00 (midday) on Monday 18 September 2023.
  4. Interviews will take place on Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 October 2023. Please ensure you are available to be interviewed.
  5. The final decision will be communicated by Friday 6 October 2023, with work beginning as soon as possible afterward.

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