IMed had the pleasure of sharing a stand with Chorley Consulting Limited last Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th of June, in the well-trodden Medilink Pavillion section of the Med-Tech Innovation Expo at the NEC in Birmingham.


We are long-term members of Medilink Midlands, who work with key strategic partners across the Midlands, including the Midlands Engine, to develop a shared strategy across the region. Medilink UK, the national industry support organization for life sciences, has a long and prosperous relationship with Rapid News Group who organized the conference. 


It was fantastic to see all the exhibitors and delegates meeting face-to-face again and forging new relationships with potential clients, strategic partners, service providers and other delegates. Our stand partner hosts were Phil Clay and the Team from Chorley Consulting – old friends of IMed – who we often call upon to help clients with…


This was my first Med Tech Innovation Expo and I was impressed with the positive outlook and team vibe, which permeated the Exhibition Hall. Even people with no real collaborative possibilities between them, connected only by stand geography, were supporting one another with last minute forgotten stand items, coffee runs and even the odd chocolate! Watching my colleagues giving free and meaningful regulatory advice to university spin-outs and independent start-up Med device or IVD manufacturers, made me really proud. And not just of the company, but of the industry as a whole and it reinforced my feeling of making a difference in a sector where everyone really does pull together to help patients and young businesses.


Sandwiching the two days was the Medilink UK Healthcare Business Awards 2022 Dinner Event, hosted by the Dynamic Life Science Duo; Medilink & Rapid News Group and they even brought Paul Sinha along to direct proceedings. These awards celebrate the outstanding business achievements, international successes, and innovative breakthroughs made across the life sciences and healthcare technology sectors in the past year. We want to say a big well done to all the contender companies who were shortlisted as well as the winners, because both are a great achievement.


I’ll admit to having a super evening and many laughs with Al, Leeanne and Jonathan from IMed, Olly Croft from eg technology and Caroline, Vicky and Ian from Rapid News Group.


For my parting shot, I don’t think Al, our Business Development Director could have summed it up any better in the Medilink release :


“Medilink has always been a great help to us and the Med-Tech Innovation Expo has been another fantastic example of this. The new contacts that we made on the day and the possibilities that these hold for future collaborations are very promising. We also saw many of our current clients at the Expo and this has been wonderful to reinforce relationships in person.”

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