1. By completing your booking of this event (the “Event”), which is being promoted by Medilink Midlands Ltd (“Medilink”) you are confirming your agreement to these terms and conditions. Further, where any delegate you are booking onto the Event is an employees of an organisation, you are confirming that you have the authority to bind that organisation to these terms and conditions and are accepting them as its agent. In such cases, in relation to that delegate, ‘you’ and ‘your’ will be interpreted as referring to that organisation in all the clauses below.
  2. Medilink is not obliged to accept any booking and no contract will exist between you and Medilink in respect of the Event unless and until such time as you receive confirmation of the booking from Medilink.
  3. You agree to pay to Medilink the fee (if any) shown on the booking form for the Event (“Fee”) for each delegate for whom you are booking a place, and to pay the total of such Fees by the payment date shown on that form. If you fail to do so, Medilink may, at its sole discretion and without further liability: allocate the payments it has received from you to such of your delegates as it chooses; admit only those delegates for whom it has determined that the Fee has been paid in full; and refuse all of your other delegates admission to the Event. Any Fees or administration fees (as appropriate) due in respect of the remaining delegates will, however, remain due and payable in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
  4. If you fail to give Medilink at least 48 hours notice of your wish to cancel any places booked for the Event, you will be liable to Medilink for the sums (the Fee or an administration fee, as appropriate) in accordance with the cancellation provisions set out on the booking form.
  5. Medilink will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Event takes place on the Event Date and in the location advertised. However, where this becomes impractical due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control (including the unexpected unavailability of any advertised presenter(s)), or where bookings are insufficient to justify running the Event, it will be entitled to cancel or re-arrange the Event at its discretion. In such cases:
    1. Where an Event is cancelled, Medilink’s maximum liability to you will be to refund the total of the Fees which it has received from you in respect of the Event, less any previously processed refunds.
    2. Where an Event is re-arranged to take place on the original Event Date but at another location outside of a 3 mile radius of the originally advertised location, the Event shall be considered cancelled. Otherwise, Medilink will have no liability for the change of location.
    3. Where an Event is re-arranged to take place on another date, you will be entitled, at your option, to either transfer your booking to the new event (in which case, these terms and conditions shall apply to that new event and all definitions used will be interpreted accordingly,) or to receive a full refund the total of the Fees which Medilink has received from you in respect of the Event, less any previously processed refunds.
  6. Any materials provided in relation to the Event will remain the copyright of their owner and the right of anyone to use them after the Event will be at the owner’s sole discretion.
  7. Whilst Medilink will take all reasonable care in choosing the presenter(s) for the Event, you understand that the views of the presenter(s) are not necessarily those of Medilink. Further, you understand that the information provided at the Event, whilst provided in good faith, is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to the subject, or tailored to the particular needs of any individual delegate. Accordingly, when making important business decisions, you are advised always to seek expert advice from someone who is familiar with your particular circumstances, and not to rely upon information obtained by attending the Event.
  8. To the extent permitted by English Law, Medilink’s liability to you or any third party in respect of the delivery, late delivery or non-delivery of the Event, will be limited to the total Fees received from you by Medilink in respect of the Event in question.
  9. These terms and conditions will be interpreted in accordance with English Law.