Created from a unique blend of analytic capability and operational expertise, VUIT brings healthcare data across the NHS to life through its unique online portal.
The data analytics and visualisation specialist has produced a comprehensive population health management solution with customisable visuals that is helping health and social care professionals around the country better plan the use of their resources.
Using the latest available data from multiple national data pools, VUIT’s population health tool with customisable visuals can support better data-driven decision making across health and social care from A&E performance to deprivation and mental health. Additionally, the VUIT platform is growing its pharma and life-science customer base with a range of unique addressable market and market share analytics.
The interactive and invaluable GDPR-compliant resource uses a range of proprietary algorithms and data manipulation. It is available as a subscription model deployable at scale but has a cost point which is affordable at all levels.
Founded in 2020 and based in North Staffordshire, VUIT has been working with Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) to help interrogate and understand population data with outstanding results.
Adam Townsend, VUIT’s Chief Operating Officer and a former NHS Operations Director, said: “VUIT’s unique approach to pulling together and visualising data turns something which is usually complicated and difficult to understand into something much more powerful.
“We have over 35 billion data points available to help support insights functions, strategic decision making and help with risk stratification.
“One of the key benefits of the tool from an life science perspective is the ability to see all acute activity along side the prescribing data for acute and primary sectors coupled to demographic data around long term condition prevalence.”
Award-winning technology
VUIT was highly-commended in the Start-Up category at this year’s Medilink Midlands Business Awards and has received national recognition over the past 12 months for work with health organisations in the region.
A partnership with Black Country ICS and Walsall Together focused on a Population Outcomes Framework and digital tool to support partnership decision-making and also measure the impact of transformation initiatives in delivering population health and wellbeing outcomes.
The tool has enabled the partnership to identify priorities for health inequality investment that address the wider determinants of health and wellbeing.
VUIT’s collaboration with Walsall Together also helped it to win the Place-based Partnership & Integrated Care Award at the 2023 HSJ Awards for work done to help citizens of Walsall stay well and out of hospital, reduce inequalities and improve access to services for the most disadvantaged communities.
The project won the Generating Impact in Population Health through Digital award at this year’s HSJ Digital Awards, as well as being highly commended in the Reducing Health Inequalities through Digital category.
Marianne Davey, Head of Academy at the Black Country Integrated Care Board, said: “Through their technical capabilities their approach and their integrity, VUIT have really helped us in terms of delivering insight and intelligence. They are also collaborative as a team, which really helps us when working with a number of stakeholders.”
With significant growth ambitions in the coming year VUIT plans to enable AI chat across its data platform and, in 2025, to expand its data offer to include North America.
Medilink Midlands members can benefit from exclusive discounts to VUIT’s platform. Find out more.
Article written by VUIT.