Spirit Health, winners of the Advances in Digital Healthcare Award at the annual Medilink UK Healthcare Awards held in June, is one of the fastest-growing companies in the UK, developing innovative products and services that empower people to take control of their own health.
“Spirit health are a fantastic company to work with they are not only delivering new digital approaches to healthcare delivery but are continually innovating and developing new opportunities within the healthcare sector. The company management culture is exceptionally open, supportive and creative with a strong focus on valuing all of the staff and their contribution to the Spirit ‘family’”, comments Alasdair Gaw, Innovation Advisor, Medilink Midlands

Spirit Health combine health and social care experience with technological brilliance to deliver CliniTouch Vie, their innovative digital health platform powering virtual wards and remote patient monitoring. The group has been recognised as one of technology’s 50 Best Companies to Work For in 2021, as well as being named in the UK’s top 100 best mid-sized companies.
Chris Barker, CEO at Spirit Health, said: “We are so proud to have won the Advances in Digital Healthcare national award, celebrating the amazing work that our family and partners continue to do to make health easy for patients and healthcare professionals. The event showcased the outstanding achievements made across the life sciences and healthcare technology sectors in the past year, and it’s a real honour for Spirit Health to be amongst the winners on the night.
“This trophy, along with the others we’ve been lucky enough to win over the years, is one of the first things you see when you enter Spirit House. It not only serves as a reminder to the whole team of all the incredible work we have done so far, but also spurs us on to do even more to support our patients and partners.”
Alasdair Gaw, Innovation Advisor; [email protected]
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/spirit-health/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SpiritDigHealth