Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 is dedicated to increasing movement YOUR way, this doesn’t have to mean excessive cardio. Instead think about small ways you can increase your time moving each day in the workplace, that will soon add up.

Why is increasing movement important?

Recent evidence is showing that even if you exercise regularly, sitting down for long periods of time has a separate set of poor health effects.

This sedentary behaviour is increasingly common with many of us sitting at desks for extended periods of time. While evidence is limited, it is averaged that UK working age adults spend 9.5 hour a day sedentary!

Sedentary behaviour includes activities like computer use, reading and driving because you are sitting, reclining or lying with minimum energy expenditure- although this does include sleeping!

Movement is also good for your mind!

There is lots of evidence to suggest that physical activity may improve our mental health:

  • In the Burnout Report, 56% of adults said that regular exercise helped them to manage stress!
  • Physical activity releases endorphins, which helps to improve our mood
  • Improves our sleep, making us more productive throughout the daytime
  • Improves our self-esteem
  • Makes our ‘fight or flight’ response less reactive which reduces anxiety
  • Helps us set then achieve goals
  • Slows cognitive decline

Thinking about increasing movement…

Before we suggest some tips, we want to acknowledge that there could be multiple barriers which stop you moving. This is why we recognise how these could affect our ability to engage in movement and instead find what works for you.

Top tips to increase movement at work:

The key is to find moments for movement in the everyday. As you combine more moments into your day, they will soon add up!

Increasing breaks from your desk is an easy way to increase movement. To do this maybe think about:

  • Putting your lunch in the kitchen so you have to walk to get it
  • Using a smaller cup so that each time you want a drink you have to leave your desk to get it
  • Arranging to eat lunch with your colleagues away from your desks
  • A walking meeting, in person, where this might be appropriate

A simple way to promote Mental Health Awareness Week: Wear it Green

On Thursday 16th May wear green to let people know that you are open to a conversation about mental health.

Conversation starters you could use if you see someone wearing green:

  • How are you feeling today?
    What does ‘mental health’ mean to you?
    In what ways does moving your body help your mental health?
    If you could recommend one thing I could do to improve my wellbeing, what would it be?
    What are you grateful for today?

Mental Health Awareness Week activity ideas:

  • Plan an exercise session, where staff are encouraged to go and take the time away from the desk
  • Host a bring your pet to work day
  • Could you offer a free wellness gift?
    A free waterbottle?
  • Have a yoga instructor come to deliver some taster sessions…
  • Get outside! What about a team picnic?

Most importantly, Mental Health and Wellbeing awareness should be the golden thread throughout your organisation, across the whole year.

Article provided by The Work Health Hub, learn more here. 

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