NIHR Regional Research Specialty & Settings (RRSL) Lead and Health and Care Research Co-Director (Medical) appointments

A new opportunity to work in the new NIHR Regional Research Delivery Network (RRDN) for the East Midlands – via an Expression of Interest

The East Midlands RRDN will be one of 12 Networks which will replace the existing Local Clinical Research Networks (LCRNs) throughout the country from 1 October 2024 and will support the effective and efficient initiation and delivery of funded research across the health and care system in England for the benefit of patients, the health and care system and the economy.

The Specialties and Settings function will play a key leadership role in the ongoing development and performance of the NIHR Research Delivery Network (RDN). The function will provide leadership and advice, support research delivery, and participation in regional or national projects relating to Specialty or Setting capacity, capability and accessibility for research delivery.

We are seeking to appoint highly motivated, experienced, and enthusiastic individuals to undertake part time roles, working alongside existing posts in the region to support the RDN Specialties and Settings (hospitals, primary care, community-based and residential care) for the East Midlands RRDN. In addition, we are seeking to appoint a Health and Care Research Co-Director (Medical) to work alongside Professor Azhar Farooqi as part of the RRDN Leadership team.

The following positions are available:

  1. 29 RRDN Specialty Leads each at 0.05WTE/0.5PA – Role description
  2. 4 RRDN Settings Leads each at 0.1WTE/1.0PA – Role description
  3. Health and Care Research Co-Director (Medical) at 0.1WTE/1.0 PA – Role description

Application process

For further details and to apply for these key roles, please download this application form. Please return your completed form along with a short (2-page) CV to [email protected]

To download the application please select File, then Download as Microsoft Word. 

The closing date for applications is 5pm on Monday 30 September 2024.

For further details or questions, please contact:

  • Professor Azhar Farooqi, Health & Care Research Director (Medical), East Midlands RRDN (email: [email protected])

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