We are proud to announce the launch of our new logo as part of the ongoing evolution of the Accelerate brand.

Since our early beginnings in 2007, Accelerate’s professional profile has grown over the last 15 years and we wanted to reimagine our branding to reflect who we are today.

Commenting on the new design, Philippa Bevan, Director, explains: “Symbolically, the new logo evolves our logo’s core element – the “thought bubbles” – that have featured in our logo since 2012 as these reference both the creative and investigative work we deliver on behalf of our clients.

Incorporating the strapline “Target. Connect. Inform.” again is a reflection of the main principles of our marketing and market research services.”

At Accelerate, our passion is working with all things STEM. We work with clients to bring strategic direction to their marketing activities, targeting efforts on results driven communication activities.

Experienced in working for companies that are bringing cutting edge technologies to market, we know that successful lead generation is about quality as much as quantity, so we provide hands-on, practical marketing support to help you to develop meaningful customer connections.

Whereas Accelerate’s market research studies have explored subjects as diverse as artificial bee pollen to using virtual reality in care homes. From methods to create pluripotent stem cells to novel device-led therapies for cancer, we create bespoke B2B market research projects to inform good business decision-making.

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