UK-based Cambridge Sleep Sciences and Parkinson’s Concierge have signed a collaboration agreement to help address sleep issues associated with Parkinson’s Disease.

Sleep disturbance is common for those living with Parkinson’s and can include such symptoms as drowsiness, fatigue, anxiety and other mental health problems. According to the Michael J. Fox Foundation, “many people with Parkinson’s have trouble falling or staying asleep at night. Sleep problems can arise from Parkinson’s motor or non-motor symptoms, medication side effects or other conditions that affect sleep.”1

Cambridge Sleep Sciences has developed SleepHub®, a device that has been shown to improve sleep in people with insomnia, and will be working with Parkinson’s Concierge to assess the efficacy of SleepHub® in people with Parkinson’s prior to undertaking formal clinical trials.

Dr Chris Dickson, Executive Chairman of Cambridge Sleep Sciences said: “People living with Parkinson’s commonly experience disrupted sleep, and when Parkinson’s Concierge advised us of anecdotal reports that SleepHub® had improved sleep in some of their members, we wanted to explore this further. Parkinson’s Concierge, with their global community of members, made the natural partnership with which to investigate the potential benefits.”

SleepHub® is the result of more than a decade of research and development. Users are helped to achieve quality sleep through scientifically formulated sounds, delivered using a pair of premium speakers, that use specific beats and pulses to modulate sleep patterns.

Parkinson’s Concierge provide support to people affected by Parkinson’s, who live with the condition 365 days a year. There are 147,000 people in the UK with Parkinson’s and 10 million worldwide.

Charlotte Allen and Russ Bradford, Co-Founders of Parkinson’s Concierge, said: “We are very excited by our partnership with Cambridge Sleep Sciences and have high hopes for SleepHub® improving the lives of many people living with Parkinson’s. At Parkinson’s Concierge we always seek out and promote products and services, gadgets, tech and AI solutions which benefit others living with this condition. We are extremely optimistic, having tested SleepHub® for about a month now, that this could in turn have an effect on improving the other symptoms people live with as well for our Global Parkinson’s Community.”

This article was written by Medilink Midlands Member, Cambridge Sleep Sciences.

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