Nottingham University Full Time MBA Company-Based Projects Scheme 2024

Every summer some of our full-time MBAs work with a wide range of firms on various consultancy type projects. Our MBAs have good business experience and can help companies in all sorts of project areas such as market analyses/research, process modelling, efficiency improvements, strategic analysis, marketing strategies, financial/data analysis and other key business tasks/research. We support the MBAs with an academic supervisor from an appropriate Business School discipline. Our students have access to all the information technology resources of the university’s business databases such as Bloomberg, S&P Global Market Intelligence, Mintel, Euromonitor and to name but a few.

Initially we would require a one pager on the functional areas covered by the project, the project’s key objectives, the suggested project activities/tasks and its required/expected outcomes. This together with the job title and name of the company contact will form most of the project brief. Please see the attached for examples of recent project briefs. Ideally, we would need the project brief by end of February 2024.

The projects are advertised to the students in April/May. The students apply for the projects (submit CVs, write a cover letter etc) much in the way they would if applying for a job. The candidates are interviewed by the company and if successful one student is offered the project. Some companies offer more than one project and just like in normal job situations firms may or may not appoint. The projects run from approximately mid-June to mid-September. As well as producing a written report the student will also present their findings to a panel made up of the project supervisor and company representatives. The presentation takes places shortly before or after the submission deadline.

Company-Based Project Testimonials

Testimonial 1 (October 2021):
Faraz Zahid recently presented his MBA Company Research Project which he carried out with SwissThink, a credit risk consulting and training firm. The project asked to research capital spending trends for non-financial corporates across regions and sectors and establish benchmarks for financial forecasting and risk management.

Faraz demonstrated high analytical and superior data management skills; a very high engagement throughout the project, providing suggestions and directions, and at the same time very attentive to feedback. Faraz produced an in-depth, robust research report.

Overall, the report is an excellent piece of research, which I’m looking forward to presenting on the SwissThink website and on LinkedIn. Faraz can be very proud of his work, prepared under extremely trying personal circumstances, which shows his extraordinary resilience.

Testimonial 2 (October 2022):
Aditya was one of the most enthusiastic and committed people I’ve worked with on such a project in my 15 years of experience.

He got the brief but also expanded on it. We were looking to roll out a business plan for Dublin, and what I received back was incredibly detailed and ‘boardroom ready’.

We have utilised the business plan to initiate discussions with the company executives to roll out Dublin in 2023.

Testimonial 3 (October 2022):

The MBA project experience was great for me, Subham turned out to be a great student and real support for the business. He kindly invited me to his graduation which I was pleased to attend and we have remained in contact through LinkedIn.

I would be happy to participate again with a brief related to and Menopause at work. Feel free to let me know what you would need from me.

If you’re interested in finding out more contact Nottingham University Business School here.

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